Velocities (F/E)
Syntax: | ||
F.. | Feedrate in the block | modal |
E.. | Feedrate at block end | non-modal |
With interpolation modes G1, G2, G3 or for G100, the programmed paths are traversed at the path velocity agreed in the F word. The F and E words are specified
- in [mm/min, m/min, inch/min] for translatory axes
- in [°/min] for rotary axes.
The F word is modal. Programming in mm/min or m/min can be configured with the channel parameter P-CHAN-00108.
The command G93 can also specify a machining time by the F word instead of a path velocity. The description in contained in the Section "G functions".
The path velocity at block end is programmed by the E word. The value is block-specific, i.e. non-modal. If the E word is not specified or the programmed value is greater than the F word, the E word is assigned the value of the F word

The E word is only effective in combination with G94.
Due to active contour-changing functions such as G301, G302, G41, G42, G261, #HSC [OPMODE 1…], inserted contour elements adopt the E feedrate of the main blocks as the new F feedrate.
For all other spline and HSC functions, it is recommended to avoid the use of the E feedrate.
Values can be assigned to the F and E words either directly or for each parameter. In this case, decimal numbers are also permitted (REAL format).

The PLC can also specify path feed externally and also weight it with the NC command #FF.
Programing Example

Velocities (F-, E-)
N10 X200 G01 F1000 G90 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min
N20 X300
N30 X350 F800 ;Lower F feedrate from 1000 to 800 mm/min

Programing Example

N05 G01 G94 G90
N10 X200 F1000 E500 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min, E feedrate 500 mm/min
N20 X250 E400 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min, E feedrate 400 mm/min
N30 X350 F800 E300 ;F feedrate 800 mm/min, E feedrate 300mm/min
X400 E500 ;F feedrate 800 mm/min, E feedrate 800mm/min

Programing Example

N10 G01 G94 G90 G261
N20 X100 F1000 E200 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min, E feedrate 200 mm/min
N30 Y100 E200 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min, E feedrate 200 mm/min
N40 X0 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min
N50 Y0 E200 ;F feedrate 1000 mm/min, E feedrate 200mm/min
N60 X50
N70 G260