Parametric subroutine call (LL / L V.E. or macro)
Instead of using fixed names, local and global subroutines can be also be called by external variables or macros. This permits a parametrisable flow of the NC program.
External variables of be of the string or string array type (see also section External variables (V.E.)). The maximum string length of local subroutines is 83 characters. It is also 83 characters for global subroutines but this includes an absolute or relative path name.
Macros must be defined by L or LL before they are used. The macro content has a maximum string length of 80 characters.
A local subroutine is called from the main program by LL :
LL V.E. ... (Caution: Blank character between LL and V.E. .… is mandatory). |
or |
LL "<string> "(Caution: Blank character between LL and macro name is mandatory). |
V.E. ... | Name of local subroutine parameterised by external variable |
"<macro_name>" | Name of local subroutine parameterisable by macro. If the macro is not defined, the <macro name> is treated as a normal local subroutine name. |
A global subroutine is called by L :
LV.E. … or L V.E. … |
or |
L"<macro_name>" or L "<macro_name>" |
V.E. ... | Name of the file in which this global subroutine is stored when the file is parametrised by an external variable. |
"<macro_name>" | Name of the file in which this |
Programing Example

Parametric subroutine call (LL / L V.E. or macro)
Call of subroutines by "string”-type external variables
;local subroutine
N10 .....
N99 M17
;Main program
N100 .....
N105 .....
;Call of local subroutine by ext. variable V.E.LUP,
;which contains the string TASCHE
;Call of global subroutine by ext. variable V.E.GUP,
;which contains the string of a file name
N200 L V.E.GUP
N300 M30
Programing Example

Parametric subroutine call (LL / L V.E. or macro)
Call of subroutines by macros
;local subroutine 1
N10 .....
N99 M17
;local subroutine 2
N10 .....
N99 M17
;local subroutine 3
N10 .....
N99 M17
;Main program
;Macro definitions
N10 "LUP_1" = "TASCHE_1"
N20 "LUP_2" = "TASCHE_2"
N30 "LUP_3" = "TASCHE_3"
N40 "GUP_1" = ""
N50 "GUP_2" = "D:\prog\"
N100 .....
;Call of local subroutines by macros,
;which contain the strings TASCHE_1, TASCHE_2,
N110 LL "LUP_1"
N120 LL "LUP_2"
N130 LL "LUP_3"
N200 .....
;Call of global subroutines by macros
;which contain file name strings
N210 L "GUP_1"
N220 L "GUP_2"
N300 M30