Verification of running condition at loop end ($DO), ($REPEAT)
There are two kinds of loops available.
Syntax: |
The syntax of the DO loop starts with:
$DO |
and always ends with
$ENDDO <expr> |
The stated parameters are checked at the end of every loop pass. The loop is aborted if the expression <expr> assumes the value range FALSE (expr < 0.5).
Syntax: |
The syntax of the REPEAT loop starts with:
and always ends with
$UNTIL <expr> |
The stated parameters are checked at the end of every loop pass. The loop is aborted if the <expr> assumes the value range TRUE (expr < 0.5).

As opposed to the $WHILE and $FOR loops, the $DO and $REPEAT loops are always passed at least once.
Programing Example

Verification of running condition at loop end
N10 X0 Y0 Z0
N20 P2=10 P1=0
N30 $DO
N40 P1=P1+1
N50 XP1
N60 $ENDDO P1 <= P2 P1 is checked for TRUE at loop end.
The loop is passed until P1 no longer
fulfils the condition.
N99 M30
N10 X0 Y0 Z0
N20 P2=10 P1=0
N40 P1=P1+1
N50 XP1
N60 $UNTIL P1 > P2 P1 is checked for TRUE at loop end.
The loop is passed until P1 no longer
fulfils the condition.
N99 M30