Programming message information #MSG INFO)
The following command can be used to program user-specific information and display parameters for message processing. Information and parameters are also sent as an ASCII string.
Syntax: |
#MSG INFO [<mode>] [<receiver>] ["<message_information>"] |
Compared to a message in which the message receiver usually displays only the ASCII string, message information indicates that the ASCII string contains user-specific information that is encoded by the receiver itself.
SYN mode must be specified if the message information is to be sent to the receiver synchronously to the processing state in the interpolator. The message is output immediately after decoding if a mode was not specified (see previous section).
The same requirements as for the #MSG command apply to the receiver specifications (see previous section).
The message information must be enclosed in quotation marks "...". The same format elements are available for the output of numerical values as for the #MSG command (see previous section).
Programing Example

Programming message information
P1 = 20
In this example, the string RED,20,BOLD is sent as message information to the default receiver.