Programs with several short blocks

The use of this feature requires a license for the "HSC" extension package. It is not included in the scope of the standard license.

B splines for the programmed control points are generated using extended HSC programming. For this kind of HSC programming it is recommended to first select the HSC profile type (slope 3) using the command #SLOPE [TYPE...].
Depending on the machining task the following 2 methods are available for selecting/deselecting HSC programming and parametrisation:
Method 1 is especially suited to a single move around a contour (trimming). In this case, the contour consists of very many short blocks which are to be moved at a high feedrate.

Method 2 is especially suited to machining free-form surfaces. For NC programs generated by CAD systems, the workpiece is usually machined in several paths (line-by-line or helical). Special algorithms are used (surface optimiser) to achieve a high surface quality within the shortest possible machining time.