Writing machine data (#MACHINE DATA)
Release Note

The availability of this function depends on the configuration and on the version scope.
This command permits a change in axis-specific machine parameters in the NC program. The new values are valid program global. They are overwritten by the next update of machine data lists at controller start-up.

An active path interpolation is stopped until the new parameter is adopted and the value is effective. Any rotating spindles are not stopped.
Syntax: |
#MACHINE DATA [<mode>] [ AX<name> | AXNR=.. <Param_ID> =.. | <Param_ID>{.<idx>}<value> | AXPARAM "<string>" [ WAIT ] ] |
<mode> | Synchronisation mode ---: Synchronisation at decoding level (initial state) SYN: Synchronisation at interpolation (real time) level |
AX=<name> | Name of the related axis or spindle where a new axis-specific parameter is to be written |
AXNR=.. | Logical axis number of the path axis or spindle where a new axis-specific parameter is to be written. Positive integer. |

No plausibility check is conducted for the logical axis number. The operator is solely responsible for making the correct entries. A change to any parameter value with #MACHINE DATA causes the complete axis parameter list to be retransferred to the NC channel. Axis parameter values previously changed using other NC commands (e.g. software limit switches via G98/G99) are overwritten and are no longer valid in the NC channel.
<Param_ID> =.. | Axis parameter in ISG notation (P-AXIS-xxxxx) with new value in the unit of the axis parameter list [AXIS]. |
<Param_ID> | With axis parameters that address an array, the corresponding element is written by the extended specification of point and index (e.g. P-AXIS-00209.0). |

A slave axis in a hard gantry combination can only be addressed by the logical axis number.
The following axis parameters are available via predefined keywords (Param_ID):
Param_ID | Meaning |
P-AXIS-00001 | Non-linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00002 | Non-linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00004 | Acceleration in rapid traverse (G00) |
P-AXIS-00005 | Linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00006 | Linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00008 | Permissible axis dynamics: Maximum permissible axis acceleration |
P-AXIS-00011 | Linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00012 | Linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00045 | Minimum distance (safety distance) between two collision axes |
P-AXIS-00056 | Maximum difference after deselecting tracking mode |
P-AXIS-00075 | Gantry operation: |
P-AXIS-00099 | Acceleration factor kv for P positional control |
P-AXIS-00103 | Size of backlash |
P-AXIS-00109 | Maximum permissible velocity override for independent axis and spindles |
P-AXIS-00151 | Maximum transient time to reach the exact stop window |
P-AXIS-00152 | Absolute position of reference point |
P-AXIS-00166 | Remaining deviation for non-linear position lag monitoring |
P-AXIS-00167 | Factor for parameterising dynamic position lag monitoring |
P-AXIS-00168 | Maximum position lag |
P-AXIS-00169 | Minimum position lag |
P-AXIS-00172 | Type of position lag monitoring |
P-AXIS-00195 | Non-linear velocity profile: Ramp time for acceleration down-gradation |
P-AXIS-00196 | Non-linear velocity profile: Ramp time for acceleration up-gradation |
P-AXIS-00197 | Non-linear velocity profile: Ramp time for deceleration down-gradation |
P-AXIS-00198 | Non-linear velocity profile: Ramp time for deceleration up-gradation |
P-AXIS-00200 | Non-linear velocity profile: Ramp time in rapid traverse (G00) |
P-AXIS-00201 | Minimum permissible ramp time of the drive to limit axis jerk |
P-AXIS-00208 | Maximum feed of compensation motion after deselecting tracking operation |
P-AXIS-00209 | Rapid traverse velocity G00 |
P-AXIS-00211 | Linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00212 | Permissible axis dynamics: Maximum permissible axis velocity |
P-AXIS-00216 | Minimum permissible axis velocity for spindles. Below this velocity, the rotational speed monitor in the position controller supplies the "speed zero” state |
P-AXIS-00217 | Factor to calculate the actual rotational speed at which the "speed setpoint reached" state is signalled. |
P-AXIS-00218 | Minimum homing velocity |
P-AXIS-00219 | Maximum homing velocity |
P-AXIS-00221 | Linear velocity profile: |
P-AXIS-00236 | Size of control window for exact stop |
P-AXIS-00414 | Maximum position offset for distance control |
AXPARAM "<string>" | Alternative syntax: Axis parameter with complete structure path and value in internal notation of the axis parameter list [AXIS] (see example). It is possible to write all axis parameters. |
WAIT | This keyword may only be used in conjunction with the synchronised setting (SYN) of an axis parameter. If a WAIT is programmed, program decoding is also interrupted (implicit FLUSH) and the program waits until the new parameter is adopted and becomes effective in the NC channel. |
Programing Example

Writing machine data
N10 G00 X100 (Position at rapid traverse velocity acc.)
(to default setting after start-up)
N20 #MACHINE DATA SYN [AX=X P-AXIS-00209=80000] (New rapid traverse velocity)
N30 ... (The new rapid traverse velocity applies in the following program sequence).
Alternative with axis list notation:
N20 #MACHINE DATA SYN [AX=X AXPARAM="getriebe[i].vb_eilgang 80000"]
(New rapid traverse velocity)
For a spindle axis:
Alternative with axis list notation:
N20 #MACHINE DATA SYN [AX=S P-AXIS-00109=1200] (New velocity override)
Set a software limit switch and wait in the channel:
N20 #MACHINE DATA SYN [AX=X AXPARAM="kenngr.swe_pos 15000000" WAIT]
Set the rapid traverse velocity for gear stage 1 with index:
N20 #MACHINE DATA SYN [AX=X P-AXIS-00209.1=80000]