Definition of file names (#FILE NAME)
The command #FILE NAME defines file names in NC program file. The file names are used by specific NC functions, e.g. to create a report file or to call a NC program.
Syntax |
#FILE NAME [ <file_id>="<filename>" { <file_id>="<filename>" } ] |
<file_id> | MSG: Name of the report file for #MSG SAVE. Default name is "message.txt". M6: Name of the global subroutine for implicit program call via M6 in the NC program. The name is valid until M30. M6 is not treated as an M function any more. The default name is set in P-CHAN-00118. M6 is always executed as the last action at block end. D: Name of the global subroutine for implicit program call by a D word in the NC program. The name is valid until M30. The default name is set in P-CHAN-00429. The subroutine call is always executed as the last action at block end. G80 – G89: Name of the global subroutines for implicit program calls at G80 –G89 in the NC program. The names are valid until M30. Default names are set in P-CHAN-00160 - P-CHAN-00169. G80-G89 is always executed as the last action at block end. G800- G819 or G800- G839**: Names of the global subroutines in case of additional implicit program calls via G800 – G819 in the NC program. The names are valid until M30. Default names are set in P-CHAN-00187. A G800-G819** is always executed as the last action at block end. ** Extended to 40 calls (G800 – G839) as of V3.1.3079.23 |
The equals sign (=) is optional.
The file names can be defined or changed in the NC program with #FILE NAME at any time.
Filenames are set to their default names at RESET and at NC program start.
Programing Example

Definition of filenames
N10 #FILE NAME[ MSG="prog_flow.txt" ]
N30 G74 X1 Y2 Z3
N40 #MSG SAVE["Homing executed"] ;Output in prog_flow.txt
N120 #MSG SAVE["Roughing OK"]
N950 #MSG SAVE["Finishing OK"]
N990 #MSG SAVE["Workpiece No. %d OK", V.E.WP_CNTR]
M1000 M30
N10 #FILE NAME[ M6="" ]
N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z0
N30 M6 ; Call tool change program
M1000 M30
N10 #FILE NAME[ D="" ]
N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z50
N30 D1 ;1:Request data of tool 1
;2:Implicit call of
M1000 M30
N10 #FILE NAME[ G80="" ]
N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z50
N30 G80 ; Call subroutine
M1000 M30
N10 #FILE NAME[ G800="" G815=""]
N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z50
N30 G800 ; Call subroutine
N90 G815 ; Call subroutine
M1000 M30