Programmable additional options of TRC (#TRC)
The following command permits the programming of additional optional TRC functions.

After selection, these optional TRC functions remain active up to main program end or RESET, but they can also be deselected at any time while the NC program is running.
Syntax: |
CONV_CIR_TO_LIN=.. | In circular blocks in which the tool radius is greater than the programmed radius of the circle element, this parameter converts the circular block directly into linear blocks. The effectiveness of this function is dependent on whether contour masking processes are active (G141). 0: No conversion of circular blocks (default). 1: Conversion of circular blocks into linear blocks. |
KERF_MASKING=.. | This parameter explicitly selects the masking of kerfs. 0: Kerf masking deactivated (default). 1: Kerf masking activated. |

When contour masking is used, this TRC option is implicitly activated and/or deactivated.
The functionality of kerf masking is based on offsetting a programmed point as soon as the program detects that a kerf cannot be traversed by a tool.

REVERSE=.. | This parameter permits the direct change (G41<->G42) of selection side with reversing motions when TRC is active. 0: Direct change of selection side deactivated (default) 1: Direct change of selection side activated |
The change of selection side of TRC always takes place at the point of reversal. With linear blocks, this is dependent on exactly reversing motions.
With circular blocks, the tangents of both circles must be identical at the point of reversal and the directions of both circles must be different.
IGNORE_CONT_ | This parameter explicitly ignores contour violations. 0: Contour violations not ignored (default) 1: Contour violations ignored |
REMOVE_MASKED_ | This parameter deletes contour loops detected by contour masking. Pure motions of tracking axes are retained. From the viewpoint of TRC, this also includes a motion of the 3rd main axis. The parameter is specially suited for contours with very short blocks. Effectiveness is dependent on whether contour masking is active (G141). 0: Closed contour loops are not deleted (default). 1: Closed contour loops are deleted. |
EXT_ANGLE_BLOCK_ | This parameter changes the limit of the transition angle between two motion blocks from 180° to 181°. This avoids the creation of additional TRC transition blocks in this angle range. The value of the limit itself cannot be modified. 0: Limit of transition angle is 180° (default) 1: Limit of transition angle is 181° |
Programing Example

Conversion of circular blocks:
N1000 V.G.WZ_AKT.R=1 (Tool radius)
N2300 G140 (Deactivate contour masking))
N2450 #TRC [CONV_CIR_TO_LIN=1] (Activate option)
N2500 G41 (Select TRC left of contour)
(Circular element with radius less than tool radius)
N2550 G03 X3557.83 Y-577.61 I0.00 J0.60
(no direct conversion to a linear block)
N3000 G141 (Activate contour masking)
(Circular element with radius less than tool radius)
N3550 G03 X3557.83 Y-577.61 I0.00 J0.60
(direct conversion to a linear block)
N3600 G40 (Deselect TRC)
Programing Example

Direct change of selection side:
N090 G90
N110 G00 X0 Y0
N120 G01 X100 Y100
N130 G41 G01 X150 (Select TRC left of contour)
N140 G01 X250
N150 G01 Y200 (Reversal point)
N160 G42 (Change selection side, now right of contour)
N170 G01 X100
N180 G01 X100 Y150
N160 G40 G01 X0
N170 G01 Y0