Spindle-specific variables (V.SPDL., V.SPDL_PROG.)
The identifier for variables that permit access to configuration-specific spindle data is "V.SPDL. ...".
The identifier for spindle data assigned by programming is "V.SPDL_PROG. …".
V.SPDL.<name> |
Meaning |
Data type |
Unit | Permitted access |
LOG_AX_NR.S | Logical axis number of the spindle | Integer | - | R |
PLC_CONTROL.S | Is spindle a PLC spindle? If yes, then 1 | Boolean | 0 , 1 | R |
NBR_IN_CHANNEL | Total number of available spindles in the current NC channel | Integer | - | R |
M_FCT_FREE | What is the classification of the M functions M3, M4, M5, M19? Explicitly defined as spindle M functions: 0 Freely available for other technology functions: 1 | Boolean | 0 , 1 | R/W |
V.SPDL_PROG.<name> |
Meaning |
Data type |
Unit | Permitted access |
SPEED.S | Current speed S.. of spindle | Real | [rpm] | R |
MOVE_CMD.S | Current motion type of spindle: For M3: 3 , for M4: 4 , for M5: 5 | Integer | - | R |
POSITION.S | Current set position S.POS.. of spindle for M19 | Integer | [°] | R |
MAX_SPEED.S | Maximum speed G196 S.. of spindle with G96. | Real | [rpm] | R |
CONST_CUT_SPEED.S | Constant cutting speed G96 S.. for turning work. Only for main spindles. | Real | [m/min, ft/min *] | R |
DWELL_ROT_COUNT.S | Dwell time G04 S.. in number of spindle revolutions. | Real | [rpm] | R |
GEAR_DATA_STEP.S | Current gear stage G112 S.. | Integer | - | R |
* [as of Build V2.11.2032.08 with G70 and P-CHAN-00360 = 1]

Write access causes permanent change to internal channel parameters (P-CHAN-00098)
Programing Example

A check is first made before programming a spindle whether it is known in the channel:
N10 G90 Y0
N30 M3 S1000 (Spindle S at speed 1000 rpm)
N50 #MSG ["Spindle S is not present!"] (Output message and stop)
N55 M0