Switching between face and lateral surface machining
All C axis modes are deselected normally using the deselection commands described (for example using the #CYL OFF command). It is also permitted to change directly to a different machining mode, e.g. between face and lateral surface machining, without previously deselecting the current active mode. The programming example below shows a typical NC sequence for changing between C axis modes:
Programing Example

Switch between C axis modes
N10 #CAX [..] ;Adopt the LR spindle in the coordinated motion
N120 #FACE [..] ;Select face machining
N230 #CYL [..] ;Direct transition to lateral surface machining
....... ..
N300 #CYL OFF ;Deselect lateral surface machining and transition
;to conven. machining with physical C axis
N400 #CAX OFF ;Return the C axis to the position-controlled spindle
N500 M30