Release Note

The availability of this function depends on the configuration and on the version scope.
The tool dynamic data (minimum/maximum speed, max. acceleration) takes effect automatically on transition of the spindle from standstill to interpolation after programming a new tool (D word, #TOOL DATA). Changed tool dynamic data is adopted and considered for a rotating spindle by the spindle-specific command "GET_DYNAMIC_DATA".
When a spindle is at standstill, a change back to tool-independent default dynamic data can be executed by the command "DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_DATA". The currently active gear stage (P-TOOL-00016/P-TOOL-00017) is not changed.
These commands may not be used simultaneously or in combination with other spindle-specific commands.
Programing Example

Adopt dynamic tool data
N10 T1 D1 ;Supply tool dynamic data to the
;tool data
N15 M6 ;Change of tool 1
N20 S[M3 REV2002] ;S rotates at 2000 rpm with tool dynamic data
;from D1
N25 X100 Y100 ;Motion block with tool dynamic data D1
N30 T99 D99 ;Supply tool dynamic data to the
;tool data while spindle rotates (N20)
N35 X200 Y150 ;Motion block with tool dynamic data D1
N40 S[GET_DYNAMIC_DATA] ;Adopt tool dynamic data D99
N45 X150 Y200 ;Motion block with tool dynamic data D99
N50 X50 Y50 ;Motion block with tool dynamic data D99
N60 S[M05] Z100 ;Spindle stop
N70 S[DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_DATA] ;Set to default dynamic data
N99 M30 ;Program end