Synchronous spindle operation
Besides the synchronous mode of path axes (definition, activation, deactivation), the LINK command can also be used to define master/slave relationships for spindle axes.
Syntax: |
#SET AX LINK [ <coupling_group>, <slave> = <master> {, slave> = <master> } ] |
or alternatively
#AX LINK [NBR] [ <coupling_group>, <slave> = <master> {, <slave> = <master> } ] |
<coupling_group> | Number of the coupling group (1) |
<slave> | Designation or logical axis number of the slave spindle of coupling pair i (2) |
<master> | Designation or logical axis number of the master spindle of coupling pair i (2) |
NBR | The logic switch NBR can change the evaluation from axis names to logical axes numbers. The axis couplings must then be defined with logical axis numbers. |
In this case, the following rules apply in addition to section Synchronous mode:
- Coupling pairs are defined by the names or logical axis numbers of the spindles which are known in the channel. I.e. only spindles known in the channel can be linked.
- In the channel parameter list [1]-2 coupling group 0 can be preset as the default group. This can be addressed directly with #ENABLE AX LINK or #AX LINK ON after start-up. It can not be redefined in the NC program.
Programing Example

Synchronous spindle mode, programming and selection/deselection of a spindle coupling
Parameterisation in the channel parameter list [1]: S (main spindle name S1), S1, S2, S3 The coupling pairs may be formed with spindle names S, S2 and S3.
N10 #SET AX LINK[1, S2=S, S3=S] ;Main spindle is master for S2+S3
N20 #ENABLE AX LINK[1] ;Select spindle couplings
N30 S1000 M3 ;Rotate main spindles S+S2+S3 cw 1000 rpm
N40 #DISABLE AX LINK ;Deselect spindle couplings
or alternatively
N10 #AX LINK[1, S2=S, S3=S]
N20 #AX LINK ON[1]
N30 S1000 M3
or alternatively
N10 #AX LINK NBR[1, 11=6, 17=6] ;Coupling via log. axis numbers
N20 #AX LINK ON[1]
N30 S1000 M3
N50 M30 ;Program end
(1) 1 ... [Max. number of coupling groups–1], see [6]-2.11
(2) Max. number of coupling pairs, see [6]-2.12
- Different axis types may not be defined in a #SET AX LINK or #AX LINK command within a coupling pair. However, coupling pairs may form a coupling group with coupling pairs of another axis type.
- During an active coupling group, a spindle present in this group may not be declared the main spindle with #MAIN SPINDLE [..], otherwise, this would result in inconsistencies between decoder and interpolator.
- Moreover, the programmer must be aware that using #MAIN SPINDLE [..] may possibly mean that already defined coupling groups can no longer be activated since the spindle names are no longer consistent.
- The technology information for M03, M04, M05 is synchronised by the NC kernel both for the master spindle and for the slave spindle.
- External movement influencing of the master spindle with FEEDHOLD and OVERRIDE does not act on slave spindles. During active coupling the slave spindles also continue evaluating their own OVERRIDE and FEEDHOLD interfaces.
- Master and slave spindles move to the same absolute position with M19. The position may possibly not be reached simultaneously if the start position or the dynamic data of the spindles are different.
- Coupling is cancelled when the program is aborted.
- If a spindle is active as master or slave, it may only be commanded by the channel which activated the link.
Channel parameter list [1]:
# Pre-assignment of possible axis links for synchronous mode
# ====================================================
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[0].log_achs_nr_slave 4
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[0].log_achs_nr_master 1
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[0].mode 0 ->AX_LINK
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[1].log_achs_nr_slave 11
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[1].log_achs_nr_master 6
#synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[0].paar[1].mode 1 ->SPDL_LINK