Explicit synchronisation (#EXPL SYN)
If G01 is used for positioning, no implicit synchronisation can be executed according to Sec. Implicit synchronisation.
The #EXPL SYN command is provided here for cross-block synchronisation and this permits explicit synchronisation of the M function.
Syntax: | |
#EXPL SYN | non-modal |
An M function which is to be synchronised with this additional command is defined with synchronisation mode MVS_SLP in the channel parameter list P-CHAN-00027. The identifier can only be used exclusively with other synchronisation (P-CHAN-00027).
Programing Example

Explicit synchronisation
N10 G01 M03 S1000 Z200 F5000 ;M03: synchronisation mode MVS_SLP
N20 X100 Y100
N30 Z400
N40 #EXPL SYN ;Check whether M03 is acknowledged
At the braking instant, the path checks whether the acknowledgement has arrived based on the statement "#EXPL SYN” . A ramp-down occurs if this is not the case.
Further channel-specific and axis-specific M functions can be processed before the synchronisation command.