Weighting factors for tool life and tool life distance ((V.TLM)

The NC program can change the weighting the tool life values. Changeable factors ares used to adapt tool life acquisition to tool use.

In the case of every tool change initiated by the T or D command (see P-CHAN-00482), the complete tool ID, the tool life time and the tool life distance are sent to the tool management system. All parameters are then zeroed and tool life acquisition is enabled for the new tool substituted.

The following two decoder variables are used to program the weighting factors of service life and service distance (access is not synchronous with real time):



Weighting factor of tool life time ≥ 0.0


Weighting factor of tool life distance ≥ 0.0

The variables can be read and written. The two factors are 1.0 (100%) at the first program start after controller start-up. Factors changed in the NC program are modal after program end and reset. As required, you must reset explicitly to 1.0 in the NC program but you can also programmed with values > 1.0 if this is necessary. Both variables may be written in an NC block.



Iif a tool is always in contact, it should be weighted with a factor of 1.0 (100%). However, if material is only removed along half the motion path, a weighting factor of 0.5 can be included in the calculation. The default value of the weighting factors of service time and service distance is 1.0.

Acquisition conditions: