Programming (#CACHE)
Cross-program loading/clearing of NC programs
File loading can be initiated using appropriate NC commands. The actions carried out take effect across all programs.
Files can be loaded to the local memory (cache), updated or cleared again using appropriate NC commands.
#CACHE LOAD [ FILE<name>] | non-modal | |
FILE<name> | Name of the file that is to be loaded into the cache. An abort takes place with an error message if the cache is currently full or if the file is not found. The cache contents are updated (refreshed) if an attempt is made to load a file that is already in the cache. |
#CACHE CLEAR [ FILE<name>] | non-modal |
FILE<name> | Name of the file to be cleared from the cache. No warning/error message is generated if the file is currently not in the cache. |
#CACHE CLEAR ALL | non-modal |
Programing Example
CACHE examples
N1200 #CACHE CLEAR[FILE=Laser_on.cyc]
N1220 #CACHE LOAD[FILE=Laser_on.cyc]
N1230 #CACHE CLEAR[FILE=Laser_on.cyc]
N1240 #CACHE LOAD[FILE=Macro.cyc]
N1250 #CACHE LOAD[FILE=Laser_off.cyc]
N1260 #CACHE LOAD[FILE=Laser_off.cyc] ; refresh cache
N1270 #CACHE LOAD[FILE=Global.sub]
N3021 L CYCLE [NAME=Laser_on.cyc @P1=0 @P2=0]
N3021 G1 X47.0000
N3022 L Global.sub