Flushing the NC channel (#FLUSH CONTINUE)
Cross-block considerations
Planning considers several geometry blocks to include block transitions and special NC functions (e.g. contouring, tool radius compensation, etc.). The blocks are first saved internally and considered jointly, i.e. the blocks are not executed directly after commanding.
Flushing the NC channel (#FLUSH CONTINUE)
The effect of the #FLUSH CONTINUE command is to execute all NC blocks currently saved in the NC channel, i.e. the memory effect of the NC channel is cancelled temporarily. The last motion block programmed before #FLUSH CONTINUE is therefore immediately enabled for output.
If the next motion block is presented in good time before an NC block end, motion is resumed without stopping or without reducing the velocity. If no further motion block exists, motion is stopped temporarily.

The command Flush NC channel cannot be used for cross-block functions (e.g. active tool radius compensation).
Programing Example

Flushing NC channel
N10 G01 X200 F1000
N20 X240 Y100
N30 X200 Y0