Loops and branches
Control structures
Control structures with positioning of the file pointer in backward direction (loops) are not permitted. This type of loop must be resolved in streaming programs and replaced with linearised NC block sequences.
The following control structures result in output of an error message and streaming mode is aborted:
- $DO - $ENDDO
By contrast, control structures that only contain sequential program branches in the forward direction can also be used fully across several data packets.
Programing Example

Jump list in the forward direction
1st data packet
2nd data packet | %switchstream N010 G00 X0 Y0 Z0 N020 P1=10 N030 N040 $SWITCH P1 N050 $CASE 1 N060 X10 N070 $BREAK N080 $CASE 5 N090 X50 N100 $BREAK N110 $CASE 9 N120 X90 N130 $BREAK N140 $CASE 10 N150 X100 N160 $ENDSWITCH : M30 |