Advanced Lifting properties
The target position and position limiting are specified when starting the LIFT motion.
If the start or target position of the lift axis is outside the programmed maximum lifting height, the maximum height is increased, e.g. for lifting to the maximum of the start and target positions. Therefore, any Max/Min limiting of the position has no effect.
If a height difference [POS] was programmed for the lifting motion and the lift axis dynamics are not sufficient to reach the required height in the time defined by the path feed rate, the path feed rate is reduced automatically. In extreme cases (e.g. if the motion path = 0), the path axes stop and the lift axis is linearly positioned at the target position.
Waiting conditions (M functions with synchronisation, G04, M00, etc.) are possible during lifting/lowering. With Advanced Lifting the lift axis moves on to target height.

HSC (Type 3 slope) is not supported with Advanced Lifting.
Error ID 120711 is output.
For the Advanced Lifting lift function, only the slope types STEP, TRAPEZ or SIN² are permitted.(See #SLOPE[TYPE=…])
Minimum path length
The channel parameter P-CHAN-00244 defines the minimum path length. If the path motion between lift start and lift end is shorter than the minimum path length, the lifting motion is suppressed. The programmed target position of the Z axis is approached directly.
When P-CHAN-00244 = 0 is in the default setting, the lifting motion is always executed irrespective of the real path distance.