The channel parameter P-CHAN-00345 is switched when it is enabled to Advanced Lifting. These calculations must be carried out in the GEO real-time task of the controller.
To enable this function, the function must also be activated in the controller start-up list in the parameters P-STUP-00060 and P-STUP-00070 by the keyword FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME.
Automatic lifting/lowering is currently not included in the basic scope of functions (FCT_DEFAULT) and must therefore always be activated.
Further information on the start-up list parameter P-STUP-00060
The parameter P-STUP-00060 in the start-up list defines the individual functions in the contour planning. As a result, individual functions can be selected for testing, deselected for performance reasons (by not setting them) or activated as a specific function.
For Advanced Lifting the identifier FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME must be set.

Advanced Lifting P-STUP-00060[0].path_preparation.function FCT_DEFAULT | FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME
Further information on the start-up list parameter P-STUP-00070
In the start-up list the parameter P-STUP-00070 defines the individual functions of the path interpolator. As a result, individual functions can be selected for testing, deselected for performance reasons (by not setting them) or activated as a specific function.
To activate Advanced Lifting the identifier FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME must be set.

Advanced Lifting P-STUP-00070[0].interpolator.function FCT_DEFAULT | FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME