Known restrictions
- A motion with an external measurement signal (G100) is only executed completely the first time. The external measurement signal is then ignored for every further backward/forward motion.
- It is not possible to move a homing motion backwards since this motion has an external influence on axis motions (cam signal) and they cannot be executed in a backwards direction. Even digital drives can execute the homing motion independently without CNC. Therefore, G74 is not permitted for backward motion. All saved commands are deleted and the warning P-ERR-50449 is output.
- Manual mode without parallel interpolation (G200) and manual mode with superimposed interpolation (G201) are not treated in backward/forward mode.
- Motions in manual mode are not saved or inverted in forward/backward mode due to pressed keys or handwheel increments.
- Spindle-specific commands (speed/position) are not inverted.
- Explicit synchronisation for independent axis cannot be inverted during backward motion.