ID 20364

No file access possible.


The NC program to be opened or a log file cannot be found in the program paths configured in the start-up list.




Abort NC program processing.




Check whether file exists and ensure that the file is available in the configured program paths.

Check NC program file names or log files for correct notation and restart.



Current value

Id for the invalid file access:

“Main prg not found”: Main program

“Init prg not found”: Implicit subroutine at program start (P-CHAN-00119)

“Sub prg not found”: Global subroutine

“Invalid MsgSavePrgName”: #MSG SAVE..


Block number

Only with global subroutine L.. and #MSG SAVE: NC block number of program call.


Error value

Only with #MSG SAVE display of the log file that cannot be opened.

Error type

5, Error message by access on files.