ID 44057

FB error: MC_Power. Power can't be switched on for a CANopen drive, because a drive bus error occurred.


The error is output because the function block is to send a job to the motion controller that leads to data being exchanged via the fieldbus using the CANopen protocol. However, the fieldbus is not ready for cyclic data transmission.




As long as the error is present, the function block sets the "Error" output to TRUE and outputs the error code at the "ErrorID" output. It makes a cyclic check whether the fieldbus is ready to communicate. If it then detects that the fieldbus is ready for cyclic data transmission, its subsequent reaction depends on the type of the function block. If the type is


the reaction depends on the values assigned to inputs "Enable", "Enable_Positive" and "Enable_Negative". If these inputs are still assigned TRUE, the drive is enabled as long as no other error occurs.




If the function block is of type

nothing else needs to be done since the error is only output if the inputs "Enable", "Enable_Positive" and "Enable_Negative" are set to TRUE. You can still wait and check when the state of output "Status" displays TRUE as soon as the drive is switched on and under control.

Error type
