ID 50610

End of motion range in direction of negative software limit switch reached.


The negative motion range limit of the X axis was reached.

The X axis tracking the belt brakes during throughfeed machining

in order to stop in front of the negative SLS. This error should only occur if the conveyor moving direction has a negative sign.


There are different possible reasons:

  • The belt speed is too high.
  • The programmed feed in NC program is too small
  • Too many contour elements, or description is too extensive (Path travel of Y axis)




Movement stop.




Check and correct conveyor speed and NC program



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number (P-AXIS-00016) of affected axis


Limit value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Negative limit of travel


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Current position including braking distance


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

PCS 0 position


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Braking distance

Error type

1, Error message from NC program.