ID 50613

The workpiece leaves the working area before it is synchronised.


The workpiece cannot be reached,;the axis parallel to the conveyor belt may be set too slow. The interval [a,b] of the working space of the belt axis is defined according to the belt direction 0/1:

  • Positive direction:  [wait position, upper software limit switch]
  • Negative direction: [lower software limit switch, wait position].

The moving direction of the conveyor belt and the waiting position of the belt axis are defined in the channel parameters conveyor_sync.move_direction = 0/1 and conveyor_sync.pos_limit.




Movement stop.







Logical axis number [-]

Logical number of the axis parallel to the conveyor belt


Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Origin of the workpiece in the axis coordinate system (ACS)


Lower limit value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Lower limit (a) of the workspace area in the ACS


Upper limit value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Upper limit (b) of the workspace area in the ACS

Error type
