ID 70259

Coefficient (pitch) of temperature compensation exceeds valid range.


The compensation values of temperature compensation are approximated by a linear straight line. The pitch of the straight line is specified in parameter P-AXIS-00274 in the axis parameter lists as a function of temperature. Alternatively, it can also be written using the CNC object “TEMPC::coefficient” of the corresponding axis.

The CNC object can be found in the GEO task under the index group 0x120300 and index offset 0x<AID>0043.

However, the current value of the pitch is outside the permitted value range.

See [FCT-C5// Section: Temperature compensation]




Warning, automatic correction of pitch to maximum or minimum permissible value.




Correct value for pitch (via CNC object or by updating the axis parameter list).



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number of affected axis (see P-AXIS-00016)


Error value [-]

Incorrect value for P-AXIS-00274


Limit value [-]

Largest allowed value for pitch P-AXIS-00274


Limit value [-]

Smallest permissible value for pitch P-AXIS-00274


Corrected value [-]

Corrected value for parameter P-AXIS-00274

Error type

11, Error message from position controller.