ID 90018

Difference between radii of starting and end points of the circle exceeds range.


Two radii are compared during circle programming for the tool radius compensation TRC.

The first radius is the distance of the circle centre point from the starting point of the circle; the second radius is the distance between the circle centre point and the programmed end point of the circle.


The difference between the two radii exceeds the permissible upper limit.




Abort NC program processing.




Check and correct the programmed circle parameters in the NC program. If necessary, increase the accuracy of circle programming.



Error value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Difference resulting from the distance between circle centre point and starting point and the distance between the circle centre point and the end point.


Upper limit value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Maximal value of the difference


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Distance: Circle centre point - circle starting point


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Distance: Circle centre point - circle end point

Error type

1, Error message from NC program.