ID 120689

Motion path violates protection area. PCS coordinates.


The programmed movement path between start point and target point violates an active protection area.

A protective space must not be violated by a tool centre point. It may consist of a circular or polygonal area with a constant third plane. See also FCT-C14.

This is a subsequent error message from P-ERR-120485. It is output if a protection space is violated with active Cartesian transformation #(A)CS. The message contains the start, target point and the violating point, where the movement path enters the protection area in PCS coordinates.




Stop all axes immediately




Dependence defined, activated protection spaces



Identification number [-]

Area Id number of violated protection area.


Current value [-]

Start point of movement in PCS coordinate system.


Initial value [0.1 µm or 0,0001°]

Target point of movement in PCS coordinate system.


End value [0.1 µm or 0,0001°]

Intersection point violates protection area in PCS coordinate system.


Error value [0.1 µm or 0,0001°]


Error type

1, Error message from NC program.