General programming
Programming is done in the usual fashion in conformity with DIN66025. The M/H function is output at the channel-specific part of the HLI.
For all M/H functions to be used, the synchronisation entry must be under the parameters P-CHAN-00041 (m_synch[mnr]) and P-CHAN-00027 (h_synch[mnr]) in the channel parameter list. This does not apply to default M functions.
Programing Example

Channel-specific programming
N20 X75
N30 X50
N40 X25 M8
N50 X0 H1
Axis-specific (programming)
An extended CNC syntax is used to output an M or H function to an axis.
If the output is always to take place at a specific axis, one option is to dispense with extended syntax and assign the M/H function to this axis by default.
The chosen axis must be in the channel. This is done by assigning the output axis configuration in the channel parameter list accordingly or by programming axis exchange commands during execution in the CNC program [PROG].
Axis-specific (parameterisation)
Configuration for default output at the axis-specific part of the HLI when programming with DIN 66025 syntax.
m_default_outp_ax_name[7] Z
Programing Example

Axis-specific programming
N20 X75
N30 X50
N40 X25 M7 Output of M7 to the Z axis
N50 X[M7] Output of M7 to the X axis
Explicit (extended syntax)
Programming in axis-specific syntax [PROG] for output to the axis-specific part of the HLI. In the case of explicit programming, an assignment from the channel parameter list is ignored.
Programing Example

Programming axis-specific syntax
N20 X75
N30 X50
N40 X25 X[M7] Output of MM7 to the X axis
N50 X0
Mixed programming
Output of M or H functions to several axes and the channel range in the same NC block.
Programing Example

Mixed programming
N10 X[M7] S[M7] M7 Simultaneous output of M7 to the
X axis, the main spindle S and the
channel range
N20 X[H1] S[H1] H1 Corresponding example for the H function