Spindle override
The rpm or speed of a spindle during endless rotation or positioning can be scaled as a percentage via the override interface on the HLI.
2 control units are used for this axis-specific override.
for CNC Builds > V2.11.2800
- gpAx[axis_idx]^.ipo_mc_control.override
- gpAx[axis_idx]^.ipo_mc_control.override_valid
for CNC Builds < V2.11.2800
- pAC[axis_idx]^.addr^.McControlIpo_Data.MCControlUNS16Unit_Override/
- pAC[axis_idx]^.addr^.McControlIpo_Data.MCControlBoolUnit_OverrideValid
The NC command G167 [PROG] can suppress the influence exerted by the override interface.
Programing Example

Spindle override
N10 N10 [M3 REV1000 ](When override is 50%, speed is
(500 rpm.)
N20 S2[G167/] (Override influencing off,)
(spindle rotates at 1000 rpm.)
N30 S2[REV3000] (Override influencing active again,)
(speed 1500 rpm.)
N40 M30 (Program end)