Maximum number of tools from lists (P-CHAN-00419)
P-CHAN-00419 | Maximum number of tools which can be loaded from lists |
Description | This parameter defines the number of tools for which memory space is reserved in the controller Example: configuration.decoder.max_number_of_tools 100 |
Parameter | configuration.decoder.max_number_of_tools |
Data type | SGN32 |
Data range | -1 ... MAX(SGN32) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | -1 * |
Remarks | *P-CHAN-00419 is only relevant if tools are loaded from a tool list [TOOL] at controller start-up. If an external tool management system is used (P-CHAN-00016), P-CHAN-00419 has no meaning. No memory space is reserved, If the parameter is not assigned (-1), memory space is created for 200 tools. If the value is >= 0, the exact amount of memory space is reserved for the number specified. Parameter is available as of the following Builds: V2.11.2040.04 ; V2.11.2810.02 ; V3.1.3079.17 ; V3.1.3107.10 Use of the parameter “max_number_of_tools” is still supported. max_number_of_tools 100 |