The operator sets the operation mode using P-CHAN-00028:
Single step mode: continues step by step over erroneous commands in the NC program and resumes decoding interactively
Automatic mode: checks the syntax in one run (without further manual intervention)
In addition, abort criteria can be configured for the syntax check using P-CHAN-00019 and P-CHAN-00020 for these two operation modes.
Release Note

Produce a log file as of CNC Build V2.11.2033.08
If P-CHAN-00416 is set, all checked NC blocks and reported errors are logged to a file.
The operator can then use the error log to review the NC program and make it executable if required.
The file is created in the controller root directory. The filename consists of the 'dec0' string and the NC channel number in which the syntax check was executed.
The file extension is '.sc'.

Name of log file after a syntax check run in channel 1:

The settings for Program processing in the syntax check are selected before program run. Changes to the settings during the syntax check do not take immediate effect. This only occurs after a program restart.