Access to configuration and state data with V.G variables
V.G variables
Read and write access to some configuration and state data can be made directly from the NC program with V.G variables.
Path and file name
The parameter V.G.VOLCOMP[i].FILE[j] permits read and write access to the path and name of the parameter file by means of index 'i’ under index 'j' of Volumetric Compensation'. It therefore includes the value of the compensation parameter P-VOLC-00012 (file[j]). The data type is STRING.
The parameter V.G.VOLCOMP[i].ACTIVE reads whether Volumetric Compensation is currently active with Index 'i'. Write access is not possible. The data type is BOOLEAN.

Read access to the variables V.G.VOLCOMP[i].* causes flushing of the NC channel.
For example, flushing the NC channel can result in the error ID 20651 if tool radius compensation (G41/G42) is active.