Single step mode on block numbers
Block number
When single-step mode is enabled, the CNC stops before each new motion block (see P-CHAN-00015) and waits for an acknowledgement from the PLC.
If the NC program was automatically generated by a post-processor based on CAD/CAM data, the original geometry information may result in several NC motion blocks. In this case a single step should correlate with the original granularity of CAD/CAM data and only stop at the original geometric resolution.
Another possible application case may be to explicitly disable single-step mode for individual blocks.
Syntax: | |
#SINGLE STEP [ RESOLUTION<value> ] | modal |

Block number related single-step resolution
Use the RESOLUTION option to define a block number-related single-step resolution:
0: Off, no single step related to block numbers,
Stop before each NC line
1: Single step stops before each new programmed NC block number
> 1: A stop is executed before each block which can be divided into an integer
with no remainder.
<Ganzzahliges Ergebnis> = <Satznummer> / <Auflösung>
< 0: Impermissible value for single-step resolution, an error message
is output.
Programing Example

Single-step resolution RESOLUTION to block numbers was set to 10.
In this case a stop is executed before each block can be divided by 10 into an integer with no remainder.
No stop is executed in the area displayed in italics in single-step mode. The black lines show the single-step stop.
N000 X0
N010 X1
N011 X1.1
N012 X1.2
N020 X2
N030 X3
N090 X9
N091 Y0
N092 Y1
N093 Y2
N094 Y3
N095 Y4
N100 Y5
N101 Y6
N102 Y7
N110 Y8

To ensure effective diagnosis, all NC lines should always be provided with a unique block number.
Programing Example

Block numbering with user resolution (steps of ten) and internal numbering (single-step width).
N090 Y0
N091 Y1
N092 Y2
N093 Y3
N094 Y4
N100 Y5
N101 Y6
N102 Y7
N110 Y8