Notes on addressing
<CID> Channel or channel ID starting with 1
<AID> Axis ID starting with 1
<SID> Spindle index starting with 0. The spindle index is a component part of the index group.
Addressing modes of "IndexGroup"
The index group can be specified for the CNC objects of channels and axes both with “logical” and “index-based” addressing.
“Logical” addressing is selected by the additional bit 0x100000. If this bit is missing, access to the objects is index-based. The example below shows the significance of this bit.
Spindles are generally accessed index-based and the index entry is a component part of the index group. For example, 0x25302 for the index group of the third spindle.
Example: There are only two channels with logical numbers 1 and 5.
| Channel “1” | Channel “6” |
Logical access | IdxGrp = 0x121301 | IdxGrp = 0x121306 |
Index-based access | IdxGrp = 0x21301 | IdxGrp = 0x21302 |
It is advisable to use the logical access. The advantage here is that access to channel 6 remains unchanged if channel 1 is deactivated. With index-based access, the index group of channel 6 changes from 0x21302 to 0x21301 in this case and it becomes the ‘first’ channel.

It is advisable to use the logical access.
All the examples of addressing in the sections below are executed using logical addressing.