Dynamic access to variables
CNC objects are principally static and unambiguously identifiable by their IndexGroup and IndexOffset.
Exceptions to this are the following groupings; these variables or parameters are read dynamically.
GEO task
- AEP parameters
SDA task
- V.A variables
- V.E variables
- V.CYC variables
- V.G variables
- P parameter
- V.L variables
- V.P variables
- V.S variables
Dynamic elements
While the NC program is in the decoding process, variables can be created dynamically and then deleted. It is also possible to access these variables.

This affects the following:
The following process applies to connecting these variables:
- Read the current number of parameters n_max
- Read the name of each parameter [ 1;n_max]
- Read the current parameter content

The value of a parameter should always be read by its name.
It is not recommended to read a parameter by the index since the index of a parameter can change when elements are created dynamically and deleted.

The maximum length of a variable name is 96 bytes. This applied to all V. variables and P parameters.