Channel-specific interface
IndexGroup: IdxGrp = 0x122300 + Channel_No , e.g. for Channel 1: 0x122301:
IdxGrp | IdxOffs | Function | Description | Input | Output |
0x122301 | 0x44 | Number of existing variable entries of selected variable type. If no variable type is specified → total number of all available variables V.E + V.G + V.A (Largest index = number of elements – 1) | STRING max. | UNS32 | |
0x122301 | 0x45 | Variable description (name, handle, variable type, access, size, array dimensions, largest index) | BYTE[2048] | BYTE[2048] | |
0x122301 | 0x46 | Handle for access to the variable | STRING max. | Handle | |
0x122301 | 0x47 | Read variable value by variable handle | BYTE[2048] | BYTE[2048] | |
0x122301 | 0x48 | Read variable value by variable name | STRING max. | BYTE[2048] | |
0x122301 | 0x49 | Write variable value by variable handle | BYTE[2048] | - | |
0x122301 | 0x4A | Write variable value by variable name | BYTE[2048] | - | |
0x122301 | 0x4B | Extended variable description, e.g. for V.E variable synchronisation and validity range | BYTE[2048] | BYTE[2048] | |
0x122301 | 0x4C-0x4E | reserved | Reserved | - | - |

The following functions are not available for V.CYC variables.
"Variable handle by name"
"Read variable value by handle"
"Write variable value by handle"