Saving tool life parameters
Tool life time/tool life distance
When tool life values are acquired, the contact time (service life) and the distance covered by the tool during contact (service distance) are calculated.
By default only travel by motion blocks is considered. Positioning by rapid traverse has no effect on tool life parameters.
The parameter P-CHAN-00255 specifies that all motions, i.e. including rapid traverses, are considered in tool life capture to permit application-specific modification of tool life capture. At the same time, use of the channel-specific control unit MCControlBoolUnit_ToolLifeSuppressCapture/tool_life_suppress_capture on the HLI can suppress tool life capture depending on the user’s specific requirements. This permits the complete modification of tool life capture to the user’s requirements.
The interpolator displays the data (tool ID, contact time, contact distance) after the tool is replaced.

The service life is recorded in [s]; the service distance is recorded in [mm].
Time of storage
The interpolator automatically sends the complete tool ID, tool life and tool life distance data to the tool management system every time a tool is changed. This is announced by the T command if the parameter P-CHAN-00076 is set and this data is saved in the tool management system. By default, tool life data is sent to the tool management system even if the tool distance/tool life is set to the value 0. The parameter P-CHAN-00243 can suppress the transfer of tool life data when it has the value 0.
All parameters are set to 0 in the interpolation after tool life data is sent. After this is completed, tool life capture starts for the tool that was just replaced.
The NC program can change the weighting the tool life values. The changeable factor is used to adapt tool life acquisition to tool use.
Weighting factors
The following two decoder variables are used to program the weighting factors of service life and service distance (access is not synchronous with real time):
Weighting of service life: V.TLM.TIME_FACT
Weighting of service distance: V.TLM.DIST_FACT
The variables are readable and writable. Both factors are 100% at program start. Both variables may be written in an NC block.

Saving tool life parameters
A tool that is always in contact should be weighted with a factor of 100%. However, if material is only removed along half the motion path, a weighting factor of 0.5 can be included in the calculation.
The default value of the weighting factors of service time and service distance is 1.0.

Acquisition conditions:
If the parameter P-CHAN-00255 is not set, all motion types except for rapid traverses are considered in the tool life calculation. For example, G01, G02, G03, spline interpolation and G63 are included in the tool life calculation.
If the parameter P-CHAN-00255 is set, all motion types are considered in the tool life calculation.
Tool life acquisition is stopped at a feedrate of zero.
The weighting factors are included in the calculation.
A distinction is not made between main and tracking axes for axes participating in the motion. The path feedrate is always used to add up the distance. In the case of tracking axes programmed on their own in the block, the path covered by the tracking axis is added to the service distance. If this is not desired, the programmer can correct it by specifying the weighting factors V.TLM.TIME_FACT/DIST_FACT = 0.
Active master/slave arrangements are not taken into account.
In the event of a reset or program abort, the last updated values are also included in the tool management database.
If a tool is replaced for the first time, i.e. the work spindle was previously empty and the current T number is equal to 0, no data is sent.