Saving tool data
Saving tool data
In the NC program it is possible to permanently modify certain information for the current tool, i.e. save it after the tool is deselected.
This is done using what is known as additional tool parameters (V.G.WZ_AKT.P[i]). For example, these parameters can save wear data or measured values of the currently active tool during program runtime. The data is then written back to the external tool management system and saved there when a new tool record (Dxx) is selected or when a tool is deselected (D0).
If an active tool is not deselected by program end and if the channel-specific parameter (P-CHAN-00103) is set accordingly, the data of the last tool used is transferred back implicitly to the external tool management system and written there at the next program start.
T/D number
In addition, when a tool record is selected, the T and D numbers of the tool last used are transferred back to the external tool management system.
Programing Example

NC program with tool requesting
In the example below, various tool data items (life parameters and tool parameters) are written by the CNC and returned to the external tool management system.
N10 X0 Y0 G91 G01 F1000
;enter wear for T1/D1
V.G.WZ_AKT.P[0] = 123
V.G.WZ_AKT.P[1] = 234
N40 T22 D22
N31 T2 ;-> T2 info
N32 D2 ;-> then D2 request
N33 D3 T3 ;-> first D3 request and then T3 info
N35 X11
N40 #TOOL DATA [4, 1] ;request D in extended syntax
N50 #TOOL PREP [4] ;request T in extended syntax
N55 X22
;use application-specific tool parameters
G90 XV.G.WZ[3].P[0]
N130 X100
N140 X200
N150 T22
N160 D33
N170 X-100
N180 D0 ;deselect tool geometry