Parameterise motion to fixed stop (antr.fixed_stop.*)
Additional information
- Use default value (P-AXIS-00730)
- Position lag limit for detection (P-AXIS-00712)
- Monitoring window (P-AXIS-00713)
- Number of position control cycles (P-AXIS-00714)
- Error output on abort (P-AXIS-00715)
- Error message if fixed stop is not detected (P-AXIS-00716)
- Warning message on reset and detected fixed stop (P-AXIS-00717)
- Motor torque at maximum axis acceleration (P-AXIS-00718)
- CNC-internal identifier for the drive object (P-AXIS-00719)
- Type of communication with drive controller (P-AXIS-00720)
- Name of the drive object in the driver amplifier (P-AXIS-00721)
- Data type of the data to be transmitted (P-AXIS-00722)
- Default value of data element after controller start-up (P-AXIS-00723)
- Scaling type of the data element (P-AXIS-00724)
- Maximum permissible output value (P-AXIS-00725)
- Minimum permissible output value (P-AXIS-00726)
- Write/read drive values by bit mask (P-AXIS-00727)
- Scaling factor (P-AXIS-00728)
- Value of data element during Move to fixed stop (P-AXIS-00729)
- Name of the drive object to be read in the driver amplifier (P-AXIS-00731)
- Use default parameterisation of drive objects (P-AXIS-00821)
- Quick stop after detecting the fixed stop (P-AXIS-00762)
- Error reaction for missing drive releases (P-AXIS-00763)
- Position lag limit for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00769)
- Minimum time for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00770)
- Minimum path to activate fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00771)
- Percentage minimum path for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00772)
- Maximum position change for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00773)
- Velocity limit for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00817)
- Default value for torque limit for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00818)