Programing Example

SERCOS drive with position control in the drive
As of a speed of 200 rpm, the system should change over to speed control. Switch-back may occur as of 50 rpm. In position control, the drive should run at a speed feedforward control of 50%.
The drive has a Kv factor of 20/s and the path resolution is 220 incr./rev. In addition, the drive expects 10E-4 rpm at the speed interface.
The following settings are required in the axis list in addition to the drive telegram
# [10-3degrees/s] -> 1200000 10-3degrees/s = 200 rpm
antr.sai_op_mode_change.v_velocity_control_on 1200000
# [10-3degrees/s] -> 300000 10-3degrees/s = 50 rpm
antr.sai_op_mode_change.v_position_control_on 300000
# Consideration of speed feedforward control
antr.sai_op_mode_change.feed_forward_v_weighting 500
antr.nbr_delay_cycles 4
# CANopen Kv : 0x30C0:01 [1/s]
# CNC Kv : [0.01/s]
getriebe[0].kv 2000
#Path resolution of drive [incr./rev.]
#Path resolution CNC [incr./0.0001°]
getriebe[0].wegaufz 1048576
getriebe[0].wegaufn 3600000
#Normalisation of speed CNC [incr./0.001°]
antr.v_time_base 0 (0=min,1=sec,2=ta)
antr.v_reso_num 1
antr.v_reso_denom 36
Programing Example

SERCOS drive with position control in the drive
As of a speed of 200 rpm, the system should change over to speed control. Switch-back may occur as of 50 rpm. The drive has a Kv factor of 4000/min. The following settings are required in the axis list in addition to the drive telegram:
# 0-main mode, 1-1st auxiliary, 2-2nd auxiliary, 3-3rd auxiliary
antr.sai_op_mode_change.v_velocity_control_on 1
# [10-3degrees/s] -> 1200000 10-3degrees/s = 200 rpm
antr.sai_op_mode_change.v_position_control_on 1200000
# [10-3degrees/s] -> 300000 10-3degrees/s = 50 rpm
antr.velocity_position_control_off 300000
# default is 1
antr.nbr_delay_cycles 4
# CNC Kv : [0.01/s]
getriebe[0].kv 6666
Programing Example

SERCOS drive with position control in the CNC
As of a speed of 200 rpm, the system should change over to speed control. Switch-back may occur as of 50 rpm. A Kc factor of 100/s is set in the CNC:
Scaling of the speed command value in the drive is 10-4 rpm. The following settings are required in the axis list in addition to the drive telegram:
# Position control mode in the CNC
antr.operation_mode CNC_POSITION_CONTROL
# [10-3degrees/s] -> 1200000 10-3degrees/s = 200 rpm
antr.sai_op_mode_change.v_velocity_control_on 1200000
# [10-3degrees/s] -> 300000 10-3degrees/s = 50 rpm
antr.sai_op_mode_change.v_position_control_on 300000
# CNC Kv : [0.01/s]
getriebe[0].kv 10000
# Manipulated variable scaling [°/min]:
# 1000°/min = 10000000°/360° * 10^-4 rpm
getriebe[0].multi_gain_z 10000000
getriebe[0].multi_gain_n 360