The user has the frequent request to interrupt a running program in order to insert a path motion and then continue the program after the interruption.
Inserting a path motion can be implemented by using an “auxiliary channel”. In this document, an “auxiliary channel” is referred to as a jog-of-path channel.
A jog-of-path channel contains linked axes which are connected to the same physical axes as the axes in the actual channel.
Channels are switched over by the PLC. Exclusive access of a channel to physical axes is controlled by a control unit provided for each channel.

Position offset
When an axis is moved by an inserted path motion, it also retains the offset in the original channel as soon as this channel regains access to the axis.
If this is not required, the user must ensure that the axes are returned to the position they were in before the interruption.

Licensing note
No additional channel license is required for jog-of-path channels containing only axes which are linked to physical axes of other channels.
The parameter P-CHAN-00306 must be set for this purpose.

Suspending axes is not possible when a channel is in error state, for example, due to a programming error or a channel axis error.
Before suspending the channel axes, remove the error state and reset the channel.