V.E. variables as transfer parameters
It is possible to create V.E. variables to process the measured values.
Variable | Description |
V.E. ToolMeasResult.LengthValid | A length measurement was executed. This value is set to False at the end of the cycle. |
V.E. ToolMeasResult.Length | Length value measured. |
V.E. ToolMeasResult.RadiusValid | A radius measurement was executed. This value is set to False at the end of the cycle. |
V.E. ToolMeasResult.Radius | Radius value measured. |
V.E variables must be saved in the machine configuration.
var[n].name ToolMeasResult
var[n].type structToolMeasResult
var[n].scope CHANNEL
var[n].synchronisation FALSE
var[n].access_rights READ_WRITE
var[n].array_size 0
var[n].create_hmi_interface 0
struct[n].name structToolMeasResult
struct[n].element[0].name Length
struct[n].element[0].type REAL64
struct[n].element[1].name LengthValid
struct[n].element[1].type BOOLEAN
struct[n].element[2].name Radius
struct[n].element[2].type REAL64
struct[n].element[3].name RadiusValid
struct[n].element[3].type BOOLEAN