Sphere centre points already calculated

If the sphere centre points are already known, as shown in the example if a measurement was executed using measuring equipment from third-party providers, they can be used directly for calculation.

Programing Example


Entering sphere centre points for various poses

Initialisation: Number of poses, e.g. number of [A, B] combinations


V.L.KIN_TYP = 80        ( kinematic measured )

V.L.KIN_VARIANT = 0     ( variant of kinematic measured )

V.L.NUMBER_OF_POSES = 8 ( number of measurement poses )


L CYCLE [NAME = "SysCalibFitInit.ecy", \

                 @P1 = V.L.KIN_TYP, \

                 @P2 = V.L.KIN_VARIANT, \

                 @P3 = V.L.NUMBER_OF_POSES]

; Call cycle to add new measurement data

L CYCLE [NAME = "SysCalibFitAddRecord.ecy", \

@P1 = 102.545449, \     (X coordinate of centre point)

@P2 = 258.949268, \     (Y coordinate of centre point)

@P3 = 125.6186118, \     (Z coordinate of centre point)

@P4 = 20, \             (associated A coordinate)

@P5 = 0, \             (associated B coordinate)

@P6 = 0]             (associated C coordinate)

; ... Executing input for all poses

; Call fitting cycle


V.P.MAX_PRECISION = 0.06   (precision)

V.P.LIST_FORMAT   = 1           (list format for result)


; Call fitting cycle

L CYCLE [NAME = "SysCalibFit.ecy", \



; Call to end cycle

L CYCLE [NAME = "SysCalibFitFinalize.ecy"]