Covered distance in current block in per thousand
Per thousand
The position within a motion block is defined in per thousand.
The per thousand display can be read as a display datum on the PLC interface (see Chapter HLI: Covered distance in the block – per thousand) when the current motion is interrupted.
Alternatively, the per thousand display can be specified as a purely required value without being previously read.


If the restart position is defined by the relative display in relation to the motion block (per thousand), this position changes – within the range of resolution accuracy – even for restart when tool radius compensation is active and another tool radius is not.
This means that, if tool radius compensation is active, a tool with a different radius can be replaced in block search.
Value range of per thousand display
The per thousand display of a block is normally within the range [0, 1000].


If only one block is inserted by the CNC between two original blocks (e.g. when #HSC [OPMODE = 1]), its distance may be between [0,2000]