Specify block counter

Block counter

Block search type = 3, block counter = 100

Start program

Program is executed up to continuation position. NBC waits for continue. After continuation, the residual part of the square is traversed.

Programing Example


                   Block counter = BC

%t_sv_count.nc                   1

N00 G00 G90 X2 Y2                2

P1 = 0                           3

N80  G01 G91 X10 F500            4

N095     Y10                     5


$FOR P1 = 1, 5, 1                7,  9, 11, 13, 15

N100     X-2                     8, 10, 12, 14, 16

$ENDFOR                          17


N120  Y-10                       19

N130 M30                         20


Block counter (BC) = 8

Block counter (BC) = 16

Block search active


Real axis motion


Axis motion at program start position and continuation position is not marked