This FB defines the continuation position by the number of NC program lines read by the MC.
The block counter contains all the NC program lines read by the MC, i.e. repeatedly read lines, empty and comment lines.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | The values of the inputs are transferred to the MC on the rising edge to define the search for the continuation position. |
CoveredDistance | LREAL | If the continuation position searched for is not at the start of the NC program line defined by the value specified at the “BlockCount” input, this input specifies which portion of the distance programmed in the NC program line defines the continuation position. Unit: 0.1% |
DistProgStart | LREAL | This defines the continuation position search for by means of the distance covered since program start or since the last NC command #DISTANCE PROG START CLEAR. This can also define a continuation position located between the start and end of a motion block. Unit: 0.1µm |
AutoReturn | BOOL | This option defines whether the axes are enabled to move directly to the continuation position after the continuation position is found and after the signal that the MC is waiting for the enable to move to the contour ("WaitReturnToPath" output at the FB MCV_BlockSearchCtrl). If this option is TRUE, the value at the “Deviation” input is not invoked to check the deviation between the continuation position and the actual position of the axes. |
NoHoldAtRestart | BOOL | If this input is TRUE, the NC program continues its execution immediately after the enable signal to move to the contour without any further user input. |
Deviation | UDINT | The value defines the maximum permissible deviation of the axis position from the continuation position after the continuation position is found. Unit: 0.1µm |
BreakpointPosition | LREAL | Indicates an additional breakpoint position as distance from program start. The breakpoint must be located after the continuation position. Unit: 0.1µm |
BlockCount | UDINT | The value is derived from the number of NC program lines which the MC has read since the NC program started. All the lines read by the MC are counted, i.e. repeatedly read lines, empty and comment lines. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Done | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the block search parameters were successfully written to the motion controller. |
Busy | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the FB is executing a command |
Error | BOOL | TRUE indicates that an error occurred |
ErrorID | WORD | Error identifier |