The FB defines whether the processing of an NC program is stopped when an M01 occurs in the NC code or whether this M01 is ignored.
For further information on the Optional Stop, see the programming manual [PROG//Optional stop].
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Enable | BOOL | A command can be sent via the “Cmd” input as long as the input is TRUE. |
Cmd | BOOL | The optional stop is activated as long as TRUE is applied to the input. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Req | BOOL | Indicates that another user commanded the optional stop, e.g. a GUI. This command only becomes active when it is applied to the “Enable” input of the FB. |
State | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the optional stop function is activated. |
Error | BOOL | Indicates TRUE when an error occurs. |
ErrorID | UDINT | Error identifier |