This FB is a utility FB which is used by the McpPLCopen Part4 Extension library itself.
It is used to switch an NC channel to the required mode. The input signals are evaluated, the required commands are generated and sent to the NC kernel via the interface.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Enable | BOOL | If this input is TRUE, the FB can command the modes of the NC kernel. |
Auto_i | BOOL | Rising edge switches the NC kernel to AUTOMATIC mode. |
Mdi_i | BOOL | Rising edge switches the NC kernel to MANUAL BLOCK mode. |
Manual_i | BOOL | Rising edge switches the NC kernel to MANUAL MODE. |
Ref_i | BOOL | Rising edge switches the NC kernel to HOMING mode. |
Standby_i | BOOL | Rising edge switches the NC kernel to BASE STATE mode. |
ParamAuto | STRING(HLI_IMCM_MODE_STATE_PARAM_STRL) | NC program name in AUTOMATIC mode |
ParamMan | STRING(HLI_IMCM_MODE_STATE_PARAM_STRL) | If nothing or an empty string is transferred, manual mode is activated. G200 is then commanded internally in the motion controller. If a string is transferred, it must be a valid NC block which must terminate at its end with G200. Example: Assume a transformation is to be active in manual mode. #TRAFO ON$R$NG200 The term $R$N is a string defining a line break in structure text according to IEC 61131. |
ParamRef | STRING(HLI_IMCM_MODE_STATE_PARAM_STRL) | If nothing or an empty string is transferred, the NC program with the name is started. The program must be located in one of the paths which were defined by the parameters P-STUP-00018 to P-STUP-00021 in the start-up list or which are definable depending on the control system. If a string is transferred, it have be a valid NC block. Example 1: Homing programmed via manual block: G74 X1 Y2 Z3
Example 2: Automatic program can only be called as subroutine L |
Start_i | BOOL | Start execution of NC programs or manual blocks in the operation mode activated. |
Stop_i | BOOL | Stop processing an operation mode. |
Reset_i | BOOL | Reset an operation mode. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Busy | BOOL | TRUE as long as a command is set to the NC kernel. |
Done | BOOL | TRUE when the command to change the mode was successfully sent to the NC kernel. |
Auto_o | BOOL | TRUE when AUTOMATIC mode is selected. |
Mdi_o | BOOL | TRUE when MANUAL BLOCK mode is selected. |
Manual_o | BOOL | TRUE when MANUAL MODE is selected. |
Ref_o | BOOL | TRUE when HOMING mode is selected. |
Standby_o | BOOL | TRUE when BASIC STATE mode is selected. |
Param_o | STRING(HLI_IMCM_MODE_STATE_PARAM_STRL) | Indicates the currently active parameter of the currently selected mode (value of one of the 4 parameter inputs) |
Start_o | BOOL | TRUE when a mode was activated. |
Stop_o | BOOL | TRUE when processing in a mode was stopped. |
Reset_o | BOOL | TRUE while a mode is reset. |
Error | BOOL | Indicates TRUE when an error occurs. |
ErrorID | INT | Error identifier |