Feedrate per revolution (G95 / G94)
G95 Feedrate in mm/revolution (modal)
G94 Feed in mm/min (modal) |
When turning with active G95, a constant chip thickness can be defined using the F word in mm/rev, irrespective of the spindle speed (rpm) and provided that the path dynamics act with a limiting effect.
The CNC calculates the current path feed from the current command spindle speed and the programmed feedrate per revolution.
Here, the axis feedrate is linked to the rotational speed (rpm) of the position-controlled spindle. It is only valid in conjunction with the G function with which it was programmed. Therefore, if there is a change from G95 to G94 or G93, the F word valid for G95 is not adopted.
Example: S: 1200 rpm, F: 1.5mm/rev -> VB = 1800mm/min
Programing Example

Feedrate per revolution
N10 F1000 X100 M3 S1200 ;feedrate 1000 mm/min G94
N20 G95 F1.5 ;feedrate 1.5 mm/rev, spindle speed 1200 rpm)
N30 G94 X50 ;feedrate 1000 mm/min valid from N10
N40 G93 F20 X20 ;machining time 20 s
N50 G95 Y200 S2000 ;feedrate 1.5 mm/rev valid from N20;
;spindle speed 2000 1/min)
N60 M30