License protection

The DLL and all related functions are only available in TwinCAT systems.

A valid license is required to use the DLL.

As of CNC Build V3.1.3104.01 at least one basic license is required in order to use the DLL.
Use only via an option package is not possible
The kernelv_startup() checks for the presence of a license when the simulation kernel is started. If a valid license is not found, the start of the simulation kernel is aborted and the error code ERR_NO_LICENSE is returned.
If errors occur on accessing license information, the error code ERR_REGISTRY_ACCESS is returned. This may occur if
- VNCK was incorrectly installed under TwinCAT 2 or
- no trial license was generated under TwinCAT 3.
In addition, license packs are also required to used certain functions, e.g. transformations or when the number of axes is > 8. The presence of these license packs is checked during kernelv runtime and if necessary a CNC error message is output.